"I happen to believe in the people and believe that the people are supposed to be dominant in our society. That they, not government, are to have control of their own affairs to the greatest extent possible with an orderly society." - Ronald Reagan

Fun with numbers.

Posted: July 23rd, 2009 | Author: | Filed under: National | 1 Comment »


Our budget had a 10-year projection — and I just want everybody to be clear about this: If we had done nothing, if you had the same old budget as opposed to the changes we made in our budget, you’d have a $9.3 trillion deficit over the next 10 years. Because of the changes we’ve made it’s going to be $7.1 trillion. Now, that’s not good, but it’s $2.2 trillion less than it would have been if we had the same policies in place when we came in.

The Congressional Budget Office

From 2010 to 2019, the cumulative deficit under the President’s proposals would total $9.3 trillion, more than double the cumulative deficit projected under the current-law assumptions embodied in CBO’s baseline.

It appears likely the president persists in the tactic of including a perpetual “overseas contingency operation” (i.e. the Iraq war) as part of the baseline projection. His numbers have changed slightly since his budget projection was published, but his dishonesty hasn’t.

One Comment on “Fun with numbers.”

  1. #1 Marcela said at 07:53 pm on October 13th, 2012:

    I’ve been looking at this using the 2008 tax stascttiis you can get off the web. (I was puzzled I couldn’t get 2009 by now)I agree with you mostly, but the issue might be a little reduced assuming the economy continues a mild recovery and some expenditures for support for the unemployed fall and the deficit is also smaller.I’ve found it harder than I expected to get simple stascttiis on actual spending by department.

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